The study of the impact of universal Banking is one of the critical for banks Nigeria to attain greater light. This borders most no the effect of the New concept in Nigeria banking system that tends to remove the functional barriers between commercial and Merchant banks, and consequently empowers the bank to undertake part from their conventional banking business, capital market operations and insurance services.
The chapter I stresses on the introduction. It equally deals with the background of study statement of problems, the objective of was based on exhuming the overall performance of the Nigeria banking system prior to the introduction of universal banking, research questions, significance and hypothesis to test.
On chapter 2, the literate review was highlighted.
Chapter three (3) deals with the research design and the primary and secondary data.
Chapter four (4) stressed on the presentation of data and analysis. While chapter 5 compresses of the condition with the above procedures, the research copies to carry out the research work successfully.